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Business delegation visits The Philippines November 2014

speaker house of representatives

A total of 14 organisations were represented when a recent UK Business delegation travelled to the Philippines from 17th to 21st November on a visit organised by The Philippine British Business Council (PBBC). The programme was put together by the local British Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (BCCP). They have recently taken over the …

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Business Delegation to Manila 17 – 20 November 2014

The Business Delegation to Manila from Monday 17th November to Wednesday 20th November is confirmed and arrangements are now being finalised. The programme is expected to include: Welcome and briefing with the British Chamber of Commerce Philippines (BCCP) Reception with the British Embassy and British Ambassador PBBC lunch or Dinner Individual company visits Optional visit …

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Philippines PPP Infrastructure projects 2014 update

The current list of Philippines PPP Infrastructure projects and their current status as of August 2014 is shown in the table below: ROP PPP Infra Projects Pipeline August 2014 As you will see some contracts have been awarded, but there are still many projects which have not got to that stage yet. Some are still …

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Philippines President visits Brussels

The Philippine Embassy in London has just confirmed that His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III will be the keynote speaker at a PPP conference being held in Brussels.   WHAT:              Conference on Public-Private Partnership Program for Infrastructure Projects in the                      …

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