Peter Beckingham, Chairman of the PBBC, and Chris Nelson, Executive Director British Chamber of Commerce Philippines, write to the Philippines Ambassador to the UK concerning the contribution of Philippines medical staff working in the UK helping fight the Covi-19 pandemic.

Letter to Philippines Ambassador to UK
TO: HIs Excellency Ambassador A Lagdameo,
Philippine Ambassador to The United Kingdom
16th June 2020
Dear Ambassador
We want, on behalf of the British Chamber of Commerce Philippines and the U.K. arm of the Philippine British Business Council, to express our organisations’ admiration for the work of Philippine nurses and carers in the British healthcare system since the start of the virus. We know that thousands of Filipinos have worked tirelessly through the epidemic supporting hospitals and care homes, and that tragically some thirty have already lost their lives as a result.
Please could you pass on our deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of those Filipinos who have passed away, and our thanks for the work of so many Philippine workers whose hard work, commitment and bravery has helped to ensure that our health system continues to function.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Beckingham, Chair, Philippines British Business Council, London, UK.
Chris Nelson, Executive Director British Chamber of Commerce Philippines, Manila, Philippines.
Cc : Richard Graham, MP, Prime Minister’s Trade Representative to the Philippines;
Ambassador Daniel Pruce, British Embassy, Manila

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